2021年最新英文签名推荐 - 包含翻译及心灵鸡汤的长篇精选
1、打破自己原则和底线坚持的爱情,结局一定很烂。Break their own principles and bottom line, adhere to love, the end must be bad.2、道理都懂,但是就像鱼活在水里,也死在水里。We all know the truth,
1、想走出你控制的领域,却走近你安排的战局。You want to get out of your control, but get closer to the situation you set up.2、生命里,最舍不得的那一页,总是藏得最深。Life, the most reluctant t
1、你要分开,我有一千种理由也留不住。There's a reason why you don't want to stay.2、终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍惚迷离。Finally, who makes the string broken, flowers fall off the shoulder,
1、是非在己,毁誉由人,得失不论。Right or wrong is up to you, reputation is up to you, gain or loss is up to you.2、此情不过烟雨碎,挫骨扬灰终不悔。This situation is nothing but broke
1、看别人不顺眼,是自己修养不够。It's not good to look at others because you don't have enough self-cultivation.2、有信念不一定成功,没信念一定会失败。Faith is not necessarily success,
1、我真的感觉不到你的在乎,哪怕是一点点也感觉不到。I really can't feel your care, even a little.2、我再也没有力气,像喜欢你这样喜欢其他人了。I don't have the strength to like other people as much a
1、我鼓起勇气说爱你,你却让我别闹了。I plucked up the courage to say I love you, but you told me to stop.2、不能怪她重色轻友,只因她身边都是狗。I can't blame her for valuing sex over frie
1、这个世界,多的是无法联系的思念。In this world, there are many thoughts that can't be contacted.2、且看欲尽花经眼,莫厌伤多酒入唇。And see if you want to spend all your time on your
1、阳光下的你,是摧残的眼睛。You in the sun are the eyes of destruction.2、我绕过江山错落,才发现你才是属于我的人间烟火。I around the mountains and rivers scattered, only to find that you
1、有些人,越来越远,越来越陌生。Some people, more and more far, more and more strange.2、来世路上太寂寞,我总得找个人伺候。It's too lonely on the way to the next life. I have to find
1、被寂寞溺死的爱情,成了泪海中的浮尸。Drowned by loneliness, love has become a floating corpse in the sea of tears.2、你是让我笑的最灿烂,哭得最透彻的人。You are the person who makes me l