1、失望到了尽头,然后心如死灰。Disappointment came to an end, and then my heart was dead.2、再烫的水也会凉,不合适的人终会散场。The hot water will be cool, and the unsuitable people wi
1、我是隐匿于这间上,偷偷喜欢你的小鬼。I am hiding in this room, secretly like you kid.2、爱上我,是你一生的赌注,我又怎舍得你输。Falling in love with me is your life's bet. How can I be wil
1、想你的时候,嘴角在往上翘,眼泪却在往下掉。When I miss you, the corners of my mouth are up, but my tears are falling down.2、结束了,没有美好的回忆,只有痛苦的挣扎。It's over, there are no go
1、给我一个承诺,我哪里都不会去,就站在这里等着你。Give me a promise, I will not go anywhere, just stand here waiting for you.2、回到盼您的伴侣的身边来吧,他为了与您相处而熬得憔悴。Come back to your par
1、我喜欢那些闪光的东西,比如冬日的雪花,天上的星星,还有你的眼睛。I like the glittering things, such as the snowflakes in winter, the stars in the sky, and your eyes.2、我经常梦见你,也经常梦见我自
1、念旧的人总是容易受伤,喜欢拿余生等一句别来无恙。Nostalgia is always easy to hurt, like to take the rest of his life and so on.2、我要的幸福很简单,有人爱,有事做,有期待。I want the happiness is
1、不要抱怨,不要委屈,只怪自己不够优秀。Don't complain, don't be aggrieved, just blame yourself for not being good enough.2、每个人心中都有一块小天地,别人进不去,自己出不来。In everyone's heart,
1、这年冬天,地都冻裂了缝,小北风像刀子似的猛刮,大雪满天飞。This winter, the ground was cracked, the north wind was blowing like a knife, and the snow was flying all over the sky.
1、美的感情是,无论走多远都有你陪伴。The beautiful feeling is that no matter how far you go, you will accompany you.2、晚安心上人,早日同床枕。Good night, sweetheart. Sleep in the s
1、写好的遗言也要用力唱,祭拜我们为了爱的疯狂。We should also sing our last words to worship our madness of love.2、不懂我的人,请不要和我沟通。If you don't understand me, please don't com
1、为你开店感到热情,愿你生意充满热度,舒畅通行。I feel warm for you to open a shop. I hope your business will be full of heat and smooth.2、今日开业大吉,蓬荜顿生光辉,金玉即刻满仓,财源定会滚滚而来!Toda
A Heartwarming English Phrase to Say Before Bedtime
1、今夜我心头的月亮,又被你打翻了。Tonight, the moon in my heart is knocked over by you.2、我对全世界说晚安,独独对你说喜欢。I say good night to the whole world and I like you alone.3、洗
1、水能载舟,亦能覆舟。Water can carry and capsize a boat.2、打不干的井水,使不完的力气。It's hard to get dry well water.3、经常用的钥匙总是闪光的。Often used keys always flash.4、静时常思己过,闲谈莫
1、有人追求幸福,所以努力;有人拥有幸福,所以放弃。Some people pursue happiness, so strive; some people have happiness, so give up.2、固执的承受一次次的伤痛,却只是为了你说出那三个字。Stubbornly bear t
A collection of brief, romantic English phrases to express your feelings of love.
1、苦衷无人诉,花开定相思。There is no one to complain about the bitterness.2、待到繁花落尽,与你细水长流。Wait until the flowers fall, and you long stream.3、你闭上你的嘴,不想听你说话。You sh