1、嫉妒的起点,是人们对自身脆弱的隐忧。The starting point of jealousy is people's worries about their own vulnerability.2、对身边的人好一点吧,总有一天你们会因为各种原因而分离的。Be nice to the peop
1、让我们都发挥正能量吧,相信自己!Let's all use our positive energy, believe in ourselves!2、不谈以前的艰难,只论现在的坚持。Let's not talk about the difficulties of the past, but onl
言简意赅 感人至深的英语励志青春语录汇编
1、青春,是一杯茶,常品不腻。Youth is a cup of tea, which is not greasy.2、青春,我们曾拥有过你。Youth, we had you.3、青春我在岗,奋斗正当时。Youth I am on duty, struggle at the right time.
变成长句英文励志:Achieving Success and Fulfillment through the Power of Short Sentences in English.
1、人生,对每一个人来说,都是一条陌生路。Life, for everyone, is a strange road.2、如果事情结束了,那就是结束了别回头冲着你下一个目标去吧。If it's over, it's over. Don't go back to your next goal.3、你没
1、只要愿意学习,就一定能够学会。As long as you are willing to learn, you can certainly learn.2、人生该走的弯路,其实一米都少不了。Life should take a detour, in fact, one meter is indi