
Emotive Language

Emotive and Poignant English Sentences that Convey Beautiful Heartache

1、谁的眼泪带一点灰,独自在梦中沉醉。Whose tears with a little gray, alone in the dream intoxicated.2、说什么真爱无敌,敌不过你三心二意。Say that true love is invincible, but you are hal

Heart-wrenching sentences in English that will leave you feeling despondent

1、你在我的面前,把爱情玩转的如此花哨。In front of me, you play love so fancy.2、春水初生,春林初盛,春风十里,不如你。Spring water is born, spring forest is prosperous, spring wind is ten

Heart-wrenching English Sentences that Tear Your Heart Apart

1、被恨的人没有痛苦,恨人的人却遍体鳞伤。Those who are hated have no pain, but those who hate are black and blue.2、你应该多吃点,吃饱了才有力气去忏悔。You should eat more. You have enough