1、永远热情,永远快乐。你要的生活,只能自己给自己。Always warm, always happy. You can only give yourself the life you want.2、如果自己不想积极认真地生活,不管得到什么样的回答都没有用。If you don't want to
1、勤奋,是步入成功之门的通行证。Diligence is the key to success.2、矫正他人的行为,而不应舍弃他。Correct the behavior of others, not abandon them.3、死亡不是失去生命,而是走出时间。Death is not the
1、演戏别演太真,否则会伤痕累累。Don't act too seriously, or you'll be hurt.2、不再计较对错,因为什么都不重要了。Don't worry about right or wrong, because nothing matters.3、我好像从来不重要,只是
1、我曾经想过为你放弃一切,可那只是曾经而已。I once thought of giving up everything for you, but it was just once.2、命中最美的点缀,看天,看雪,看季节深深的暗影。Hit the most beautiful embellishm
100 Classic Sentences from Famous English Literature Works
1、他发现了人类行为的一大法则,自己还不知道——那就是,为了要使一个大人或小孩极想干某样事情,只需要设法把那件事情弄得不易到手就行了。——《汤姆·索亚历险记》He found a big rule of human behavior, and he didn't know it - that is,
1、再大的酸楚,到了别人那儿也永远只能是个故事。No matter how big the pain is, it will always be a story when it comes to others.2、不属于自己又何必那么拼命在乎。Do not belong to their own w
1、一日为师,终身为父。One day is a teacher and life is a father.2、节日传心愿,老师永年轻。A teacher is always young when he has a wish on festivals.3、以教诲为明灯,指引青春的迷津。Teachin
1、最不甘的就是明明可以,却错过了。The most unwilling thing is that Mingming can, but missed it.2、那些你装作满不在乎的事,其实就是你无能为力的事。Those things you pretend to care nothing abou
1、她点燃了一根烟,蜷着身子说,在爱里她也有尊严。She lit a cigarette and curled up to say that she had dignity in love.2、年少时的我们未曾料到,匆匆一个错身,就错失了今生。When we were young, we didn'
1、母爱就象一首田园诗,幽远纯净,和雅清淡。Maternal love is like an idyllic poem, secluded, pure, and elegant.2、母爱是人间最圣洁、最崇高、最无私的爱。Maternal love is the most holy, loftiest
1、我爱的人他很帅很阳光很迷人,最重要的是他很爱我。The person I love is very handsome, sunny and charming. The most important thing is that he loves me very much.2、一声闺蜜,一生闺蜜。你
1、也许到了最后,我只能给自己说句抱歉。Maybe at the end of the day, I can only say sorry to myself.2、流着泪的时候,身边总是没有一个人。When tears are running, there is always no one arou
1、Uh oh, I forget that, sorry.2、HAVE-so-big-距离3、Whew, that was really close.4、You konw5、Good day, my fellow friend.6、be qiuet,my son7、Call me queen, l
1、我的心像刀绞一般,泪水迷糊了我的眼睛。My heart is like a knife, my eyes are blinded by tears.2、金色的阳光透过缝隙,洒在褐色土地滋生的小草上。Through the gaps, the golden sunlight sprinkled o
1、生命对我来说太短暂,花在记仇怀恨上岂不可惜。Life is too short for me. It's a pity to spend it on remembering hatred.2、人们总得有行动,即使找不到行动也得创造行动。People always have to have act
1、原来梦里也会心痛,能痛到醒来。The original dream will be heartache, pain to wake up.2、我也有委屈,只是从来不跟别人提起。I have grievances, but I never mention them to others.3、这个冬天
100 Heartfelt English Sentences for Expressing Love and Affection
1、喜欢你是真的,不想回头也是真的。It's true that I like you. It's true that I don't want to go back.2、少抽点烟,少喝点酒,我想能够多陪你几年。I want to be able to stay with you for a few
1、或许有一天我们都老了,但是我还是会记得当初你让我心动的样子。Maybe one day we are old, but I will still remember when you let me heart.2、世界上任何书籍都不能带给你好运,但是他们能让你悄悄成为你自己。No books in
1、长相思,在长安。Everlasting longing for each other in Changan.2、泼墨三千烟火,许你一世迷离。Splash ink 3000 fireworks, you may be confused for a lifetime.3、长安清明好时节,只宜相送不宜
1、当一切伤心的理由都找到了借口,心伤就自然愈合了。When all the reasons for sadness are found an excuse, the heart will heal naturally.2、世上最悲伤的,不是离开,而是发现自己如此孤独地活着。The saddest